We are a Christian group interested in model railways. We cater for varied prototypes in H0/00 and N scale. As a Club we work to develop our Club layouts, and improve our modelling skills and knowledge as well.
Some of our activities include modelling clinics and attending exhibitions and selected community events with our Club and member layouts so we can share our enjoyment of the hobby with others as well.
We usually meet on the first and third Saturday of every month at St Luke’s Anglican Church, at 3pm.
St Luke’s Railway Modellers formed around a group of like-minded parishioners after our first model railway show in 1987. Our numbers have risen and fallen, just like most groups over the years. Many junior members have grown up in the hobby and have taken their interest with them as they moved on to raise their own families.
In the early years of the club, we were greatly encouraged by St Luke’s curate-in-charge, Rev Graeme Defty, who ensured we were integrated into the parish life of St Luke’s.
Like most clubs, we built several club layouts. Here are images of some of them:
“First Up Mk 2”, 1998:
“Nebuchanezzar’s Crossing”, 2004:
“Defty”, 2008 – named in honour of Rev Graeme Defty:
“Defty” again, 2014 – featuring Hornby live steam models:
“Defty” was constructed on several boards which were assembled around a hole in the middle, requiring operators to crawl underneath the boards to access the controls. This presented a challenge for aging members, so a new sectional “dogbone” layout was built, which could be operated from the rear. This is “New Defty” and is the current shared H0/00 layout.
Here it is, in 2015:
And again, in 2016:
Our members have a wide range of modelling interests, which include:
- Collection and restoration of historic models, such as those made by Hornby-Dublo
- Construction and operation of complex layouts
- Construction of simple layouts, suitable for children to drive at exhibitions
- DCC, PWM DC and 17V live steam operating systems
- Scratch-building operating models of historic vehicles
- 3D printing of models and components
- Construction of operating models using LEGO components
Here are some images, taken over the years of some of our members’ models:
There are some great advantages in joining our Model Railway Club. As well as having a Christian fellowship with our Club members, you can pick our brains, as we are more than willing to pass on any wisdom we have gained. This way your train set will soon turn into a railway modelling empire… Then you can pass on your wisdom to help others too.
Interested? For further information contact us by phone or email through St Luke’s Church.
Our draft 2025 calendar (subject to change and COVID-19) is:
- 15 Mar: Running meeting at member’s home
- 05 Apr:Running meeting in basement under hall
- 19 Apr: No meeting (Easter Saturday)
- 03 May: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 17 May: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 31 May-01 Jun: Hills Model Railway Show, Clarendon Racecouse (attend in private capacity if desired)
- 07 Jun: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 21 Jun: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 05 Jul: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 19 Jul: No meeting
- 19-20 Jul: North Shore Model Railway show, Dee Why PCYC (attend in private capacity if desired)
- 02 Aug: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 09-10 Aug Marklin Model Railway show, Thornleigh (attend in private capacity if desired)
- 16 Aug: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 06 Sep: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 20 Sep: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 04 Oct: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 18 Oct: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 25-26 Oct:: Great Train Show, Rosehill Gardens (attend in private capacity if desired)
- 01 Nov: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 15 Nov: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 06 Dec: Running meeting in basement under hall
- 20 Dec: Christmas meeting
Technical Articles (Place cursor over title and click):
Wheel Replacement in Old 00 gauge models
Introduction to Electricity for Model Trains_Rev1