You're welcome to join us at our 10am or 5pm Sunday gatherings. Our teaching times are also being recorded and added to our podcast during the week. Click here to listen to some of St Luke's past sermons.
The Word one-to-one is a free course designed to help you meet Jesus for the first time. It’s a series of guided readings through John’s biography of Jesus to be read with a Christian over a cuppa or a meal.
Christianity Explored is a free 8 week course run during either our 10 am or 5 pm gathering. We look at the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, and what they mean for us.
Faith Explored is a free 8 week course run during either our 10 am or 5 pm gathering. We look at the Bibles answer’s to the question, What does faith in Jesus look like in our lives?
Belonging is a free 3 week course which runs over Sunday lunch. Belonging is designed for people who want to know more about what it looks like to belong to St Luke’s.
Prime Time is our once a month get-together for the over 55s (and their friends). We meet at the church from 12 pm to 2 pm on the third Wednesday of each month.
Our BYO Men’s Breakfast is held at the Church on the first Saturday of each month, 7am for 7:30am. If you enjoy a morning BBQ and sitting around the fire having a yarn, then why not come along and join us.
The Bible is God’s word to us. So we don’t just want to know a little bit about it, we want to be saturated by it so that it overflows in every part of our thinking and acting
We value prayerful dependence which means that we show by our prayerfulness that we are totally reliant on God to bring us and others to eternal joy by his grace and power