Our St Luke’s community meets at 10:00am and 5:00pm every Sunday. Everyone is welcome. Believer or seeker. Single, divorced or married. Old or young. The good news of Jesus is for everyone and so we welcome everyone.
What to wear?
We’re all different people and so we all dress differently at St Luke’s. No one wears special clothes because they’re coming to church. Remember that church is about meeting Jesus and and not the clothes we put on.
When to arrive?
The coffee machine is on 30 minutes before each gathering so why not come for a cuppa beforehand.
Service Length
The gathering goes for about 75 minutes. After each service there is a revival prayer meeting your welcome to come to. We also have coffee and morning tea after our 10am gathering and dinner after our 5pm gathering each week. So if you stay for the whole time you’ll be with us for about 2 hours.
St Luke’s is accessible for people with a disability, those who have hearing aids, young children and those who struggle to walk. We’re used to noise, mess and people of all shapes and sizes.
Where do I park?
If it’s a nice day you could walk to church. Lots of us do. There is parking on site at St Luke’s but as we’re a growing church some people park on Galston road. If you do though, please obey the parking rules and be kind to our neighbours by not blocking their driveway.
Where do I sit?
Anywhere you like.
Will I be asked to do anything?
There are some moments in our gathering when we do things together but if you’d rather watch and listen that’s ok. You can remain as anonymous as you’d like.
We remember and celebrate what Jesus has done for us every second week by eating bread and drinking juice. People call this different things. Communion. The Lord’s super. The Eucharist.
On communion days you’ll be invited to take an individually packed cup of juice with a wafer. Hold onto these until the right time. For those who are gluten free that option is available or you’re welcome to bring your own.
But if you’re not a follower of Jesus yet then we encourage you to watch and listen but not eat and drink.
Children & Youth Programs
We believe that children and young people are members of Jesus’ kingdom and so we want them to spend as much time with the adults in our gathering as possible. But during the teaching time, our infants and primary aged kids do go out to age appropriate teaching times with qualified adults at the 10:00am and 5:00pm gatherings. High schoolers and adults all stay in together for the teaching time. We know how precious children are so only qualified children’s workers supervise kids.
We encourage parents to have their kids in with them during the service: we love the energy and excitement they bring. For those with pre school aged children who need a space to move and play, our foyer is set up so that you can hear and see. We have some toys available but you might want to bring quiet toys for your children from home.
What happens during the service?
Our gatherings revolve round Jesus. We listen to his word, we think about what it means, we sing songs about who he is and what he’s done, we pray to him and we encourage each other to keep following him.