Students today live in a fast changing, uncertain world filled with confusing messages about who to trust and what to believe. Christian Scripture gives our children a safe place to explore and discover the Bible’s answers to their big questions.
Hornsby Heights Anglican Church combines with several other local churches to teach Christian Scripture to students in years K to 6 at Hornsby North and Hornsby Heights Public Schools, one lesson a week, in school time.
Our accredited Christian Scripture teachers use a Bible based curriculum supplied by Christian Education Publications and approved by the NSW Department of Education.
Christian Scripture teaches students they can know God through his word, the Bible, which tells them of Jesus Christ, God’s king and saviour who promises them they will be blessed with peace and that they need NOT fear death but have life forever in Heaven.
Children learn that God will give them strength and wisdom to make good life choices. They are taught to be kind to each other, and to be thankful for all God’s blessings.
The NSW Department of Education recognizes spiritual well-being plays an important role in successful learning and mental health. But while our local schools encourage students to attend Special Religious Education (SRE), parents need to “opt in” by nominating which class they want their child to attend.
For help or more information, feel welcome to contact our Christian Scripture Coordinator, Merle Lovelock, at sre@stlukeschurch.com.au.