We are a group of Christian women sharing our knowledge, skills in Textile Arts and a wide variety of other crafts. We use our abilities to make articles for charity, missions here and abroad and support other groups within the church. We run trading stalls during the year with proceeds being directed to local and overseas mission.
Our activities have included workshops in fabric dying, jewelry making, outside the square bag making, how to crochet lessons, knitting cast-ons, patchwork techniques, fashion sewing, making greeting cards, and nick nacs.
We also go on outings, to Craft and Quilt Shows, Fabric Shops, and end the year with a Christmas Lunch.
We are a very supportive group and would welcome new members, maybe you would like to brush up on your skills, learn something new or in need of fellowship, we love chat and the kettle is always on the boil.
We meet on the first and third Fridays of the month, at the Church from 11am to approximately 3pm. We start with morning tea and bring our own lunch. Why not check us out.